Monday, September 15, 2008

a very random messy blog

we just returned from a week-end trip to my mom's, it was her birthday and so her clan descended upon graham as motley and mischievous as my baby nephew's hero, Curious George. with all nine grandchildren ages 2 1/2 months to 17 (we were missing one-lyd had homecoming) and siblings with spouses in tow we are "quite a site". with the exception of the hours of 1am to 6 am there was not a quiet moment i think the entire week-end.

it was messy, loud, dramatic, goofy, tense, hilarious, fun, and full of energy (both positive and negative)and B.S. my stomach still hurts from too much food and too much laughing. (i just want to send out a shout out to Mrs. Nesbitt, i loved the hat)

but what i loved the most was us.

i love every moment of us, us being marm, dude, bear, stace, curl, drey, lyd, mike, boddhi-boy, kels, beeps, crackson, iz, elle, and zoo. we each bring so much to the table that there's hardly ever room for all of us at once (both literally and figuratively)and that is just beautiful.

when i watch the girls play volleyball, or just decide to take a walk arm in arm as friends not just family my heart wants to explode. i want to scream, YES!!! I WANTED THAT, CHERISH THAT, LOVE THAT, EMBRACE IT, DON'T YOU EVER TURN YOUR BACK ON IT! when my kids scream and run around the house, "uncle dustin and aunt stacey are here!" i want to do the same thing! when my 4 year old niece grabs my legs from behind and squeezes so tight i feel warm all over, but when my seventeen year old niece hugs me so tight my ribs hurt i feel even warmer and my eyes mist.

i guess what i am saying is, i'm a nerd for my family. there is absolutely nothing that i wouldn't do for them that is within my grasp. and for what is out of my grasp, well dammit i'll make a jump for it and then ask my big, beautiful husband to give it a try too.

when my kids fight i usually embarrass them by making them say "positive" affirmations to one another. usually this brings the fight down a notch and reminds them of what is important. the truth is i believe those affirmations with all my heart as well.

1st-God does not make mistakes, He chose YOU to be my family and as such it is my job to love, respect, and protect you.

2nd-you are wanted, needed, and loved by me always and no matter what, nothing in this world will ever change those feelings.

3rd-be nice to your siblings, they are your closest link to your past and most likely to stick with you in the future.

and lastly, to my dad, we miss you so much daddy, you were sorely missed this week-end, but hey aren't they all so beautiful . . .



Anonymous said...

Well, you're extended family loves you and are nerds for you too! I can't wait (and Beau is SUPER excited - note the sarcasm) to attend Blythe's first game this week. On top of that, I'm excited just to see you guys again - it's been WAY to long. Love you and see you on Thursday!


Anonymous said...

I think this was one of your best blogs so far. I love that you can put into words, what I feel in my heart. I had so much fun and boy I am still exhausted, but it was worth it. I love each and everyone of you guys and I can't wait for more. Thanksgiving here we come!!!!


Indigo Children said...

1 -- I love the new look of the blog.

2 -- This is a great post -- honest and vulnerable, straight to the heart

3 -- We had a great time too. It felt good to laugh, to be around adults for a change, to drink ---a little ;)

4 -- Family is important; I did not have any aunts or uncles (or cousins really) that I was close to growing up -- I want that to be different for my kids. I hope they never outgrow each other.

5 -- We love you and the messy, crazy, clueless, silly, snotty, poopy, furball wearin', know-it all group that is our family :)


Beautiful batheing babes (and bubs)